The Horse Head Bed – Liquid Vinyl


This digipack CD is a compilation of what we did between 12 July 2019 and 1 JuIy 2020. 17 tracks.

THE HORSE HEAD BED is an instrumental jazz trio that plays
minimal rock jazz influenced by Black Sabbath, Malombo Jazz
Makers, Gabor Szàbo , The Necks, Mark Springer, Pharoah Sanders,
Cluster……and all things jazz … .


released November 9, 2020

Eric Thielemans plays drums
Elko Blijweert plays guitar
Rudy Trouvé uses piano

1 in stock


This digipack CD is a compilation of what we did between 12 July 2019 and 1 JuIy 2020. 17 tracks.

THE HORSE HEAD BED is an instrumental jazz trio that plays
minimal rock jazz influenced by Black Sabbath, Malombo Jazz
Makers, Gabor Szàbo , The Necks, Mark Springer, Pharoah Sanders,
Cluster……and all things jazz … .


released November 9, 2020

Eric Thielemans plays drums
Elko Blijweert plays guitar
RudyTrouvé uses piano

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